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In this time of social distancing, loneliness, isolation and fear humanity seems frozen and waiting. However, many people are using the time to think of a better world that we can create once this crisis is behind us. Some are dreaming of solutions to help others, some are attempting to assist small business to survive and some are using art and music to encourage human nation to go forward.


Square Metre for Peace looked for ways to turn adversity into an opportunity. The group of women, created an initiative Community of Volunteers, Innovators and Doers (COVID) to identify, describe and connect solution makers, problems solvers and dreamers in each point on our planet and to highlight socially innovative ideas, concepts, entrepreneurial projects and stories that contribute to overcoming the COVID 19 crisis.


The common problem has united the human nation and the diverse group of women has come together to share solutions and facilitate information sharing and knowledge transfer so that we can all benefit from human intelligence and ingenuity.

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